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* Perkins - Introduction to High Energy Physics
* Kittel & Kroemer - Thermal Physics
* F. Reif - Fundamentos de Física Estadística y Térmica
* Aguilar - Curso de termodinámica
* Callen - Termodinámica
* Adkins - Termodinámica del Equilibrio
* M. P doCarmo - Geometría Diferencial de Curvas y Superficies
* Preston Bhaduri - Structure of the Nucleus
* Messiah - Quantum Mechanics I, II
* Abraham Marschen - Foundations of Mechanics
* Piskunov - Cálculo Diferencial e Integral
* Spivak - Cálculo de Variedades
* Perkins - Introduction to high Energyy Physics
* F. Yndurain - Electrones, Neutrinos y Quarks
* Barut - Electrodynamics and Classic Field Theory of Fields and Particles
* Wangness - Campos electromagnéticos
* Burns - Solid State Physics
* Juan de Burgos - Curso de Álgebra y Geometría
* Robert Guenther - Modern Physics
* Sakurai - Modern Quantum Mechanics
* Weinberg - Gravitation and cosmology
* J. D. Jackson - Classical Electrodynamics
* AlonsoFinn - Physics
* Tipler - Physics
* Mansfield & O’Sullivan - Understanding Physics
* Landau Lifshitz - Course of theoretical physics
* R. M. Wald - General Relativity
* Feynman - Lectures on Physics
* Reichl - A modern course in Statistical Physics
* Kittel - Solid State Physics
* Goldstein - Classical Mechanics
* José Saletan - Classical Dynamics, a Contemporary Approach
* Misner Thorne Wheeler - Gravitation
* Marion & Thornton - Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems
* Chorin Marschen - Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
* Born & Wolf - Principles of Optics
* Hetch - Principles of Optics
* Zemansky - Heat and Thermodynamics
* Keith - Principles of Heat Transfer
* Krane - Introductory Nuclear Physics
* Gasiorowicz - Quantum Physics
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