Por favor, respeta las reglas al enviar un TQD
Mai me pens que en Beethoven sigui tan ressentit.
Tea are winning a pulse that tea send tour house after of the practicals, and look that is hard in this empress. In good hour, champion.
Неге тозақ сіз испан, пидарасы айтуға келмейді.
Neden cehennem, pezevenkler İspanyolca bilmiyor
#3 #3 elincreiblecalcetin dijo: Неге тозақ сіз испан, пидарасы айтуға келмейді.@elincreiblecalcetin iki nokta koymak ne salak
#2 #2 pololol dijo: Tea are winning a pulse that tea send tour house after of the practicals, and look that is hard in this empress. In good hour, champion.@pololol that english, so sexy, so right, don't stop-
#5 #5 cecinestpasunmonstre dijo: #2 @pololol that english, so sexy, so right, don't stop-@cecinestpasunmonstre No baby, I won't
#6 #6 pololol dijo: #5 @cecinestpasunmonstre No baby, I won't@pololol come on, do it to me, speak that english to me, so hot
#1 #1 ciudadavo_kane dijo: Mai me pens que en Beethoven sigui tan ressentit.@ciudadavo_kane Zereko mintzamenak?
#7 #7 cecinestpasunmonstre dijo: #6 @pololol come on, do it to me, speak that english to me, so hot@cecinestpasunmonstre yeah, i'm in the place of books, studing the theory of the value of Saussure. du yu like it, babe?
#9 #9 pololol dijo: #7 @cecinestpasunmonstre yeah, i'm in the place of books, studing the theory of the value of Saussure. du yu like it, babe?@pololol oh, yes baby, give it to me. I love how you use your tongue, that Saussure studies, omg
#10 #10 cecinestpasunmonstre dijo: #9 @pololol oh, yes baby, give it to me. I love how you use your tongue, that Saussure studies, omg@cecinestpasunmonstre yea honey, take dat, look at these graphics, they will make you cum
#11 #11 pololol dijo: #10 @cecinestpasunmonstre yea honey, take dat, look at these graphics, they will make you cum@pololol I feel it, I'm cumming, show it to me one more time. I want it in my face!
#12 #12 cecinestpasunmonstre dijo: #11 @pololol I feel it, I'm cumming, show it to me one more time. I want it in my face!@cecinestpasunmonstre well i think im out of fuel darling, you'll have to finish by yuarself
#13 #13 pololol dijo: #12 @cecinestpasunmonstre well i think im out of fuel darling, you'll have to finish by yuarself@pololol ur so gay
#14 #14 cecinestpasunmonstre dijo: #13 @pololol ur so gay@cecinestpasunmonstre :(
Parafraseando a Leo Harlem, esto se nos va de las manos.
#16 #16 psigma dijo: Parafraseando a Leo Harlem, esto se nos va de las manos.¿Tú hablar spagnolo?
ah malundekt mrfindaik blablabla etc...
Que coj*** pasa en estos comentarios?...
Y que profesion es esa si se puede saber?
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